Himalaya Anti-dandruff Shampoo Soothing & Moisturizing 400ml
2025-08-01 PKR 350.00

Himalaya Anti-dandruff Shampoo Soothing & Moisturizing 400ml

Brand: Himalaya Herbals
Price: Rs 350.00
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Himalaya Anti-dandruff Shampoo Soothing & Moisturizing 400ml

Perfect for dry hair that needs extra moisturizing and nourishment. The special blend of herbs soothe the scalp and keep your hair dandruff free, strong and more manageable.

Key Ingredients:
Tea Tree oil(Melaleuca leucodendron): Natural anti-dandruff agent.
Grape Seed: Effective anti-dandruff and anti-microbial action.
Indian Sarsaparilla & Aloe (Aloe vera): Nourishes and moisturizes hair and scalp.